Starting Your Own Business Has No Age Limit
What is an entrepreneur? Webster's dictionary defines an entrepreneur as "one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise." Rather a blunt, detached definition, don't you think? Notice, though, that no mention is made of age. The reality is that an entrepreneur is so much more than what Webster defines, and the sense of passion and adventure that leads you to start your own business is not limited in any way by your age.
How old is old enough?
If you are old enough to conceive of a business idea and are willing to put in the time and effort to make it a reality, then you are old enough to start your own business. It does not even need to be a groundbreaking or especially innovative idea to be successful. Many successful lawn maintenance and landscaping businesses have started with one enterprising young person mowing lawns in his or her neighborhood, and more than one commercial artist has started out drawing posters for a community theater or creating cartoons for their local church newsletter.
On the other end of the spectrum, of course, are entrepreneurs who want to start a business but they think they are too old to do so. Nonsense! No matter your age, no matter your experience, you can be a successful entrepreneur if you have a good idea and are willing to put in the work to make your business a success.
What does it take to be a successful entrepreneur?
Becoming a successful entrepreneur requires a few things, regardless of age or experience. The most successful entrepreneurs typically have the following attributes:
They are constantly coming up with new ideas and make a habit of writing them down
They actively look for ways to promote and develop their ideas
Their ideas usually are based on solving a problem or providing a convenience
They use their ideas to make money
They enjoy the challenge of starting their own business
This is certainly not an exhaustive list, but these are the characteristics and behavior patterns that are common among entrepreneurs of all ages.
My parents say I'm too young
Many young people have entrepreneurial ideas, and they are more likely to be successful if they have parents who support and guide them along the way. However, even if your parents say you are too young to be an entrepreneur, maybe their concern is more about the scope or scale of the business you propose. For example, if you propose a lawn mowing business that will require so much of your time in the spring and fall that your schoolwork suffers your parents will rightfully be cautious. Try talking with them to find out what it is about your idea that worries them, and ask for their help and advice to make your idea manageable enough that they are willing to support your efforts.
My children say I'm too old
Entrepreneurs on the other end of the age spectrum often meet resistance from their own children when proposing a business idea. Again, it is very common for their worries to arise from concerns about scale and scope of the proposed business. Many adult children worry about the impact starting a business will have on a parent's health, free time, and financial well- being. Just as with young entrepreneurs, it is a good idea to talk with your children about your business idea and help them understand exactly what you have in mind.